On 21 November 2024, the Georgian Academy of Criminology Sciences participated in a high-profile conference organized by the United Nations. The event was orchestrated by Lisa Hartvelt, the Director of External Relations and Communications at the Wildlife Justice Commission. The conference covered topics on crimes that affect the environment. Particularly, the UN resolution of 18 October 2024, which addresses enhancing measures to prevent and combat crimes that affect the environment, was discussed at the conference. The President of the Georgian Academy of Criminology Sciences, Proffesor. Malkhaz Badzagua, attended the conference.
Currently, the Academy is engaged in an in-depth research project titled "The Influence of Environment on Crimes." In light of this ongoing research, the Academy resaercher Mariam Sharia took the initiative to introduce and discuss this pertinent topic during the conference, aiming to shed light on the intricate relationship between environmental factors and criminal activities.